I would never drop my flyer!!

12 months ago 125 ViewsGo Pro for $9.99

I never drop. Thanks for watching!! Leave a comment. I’d love to hear what you think.
Follow the people in the video:
Daniel https://linktr.ee/daniel_buyeske
Bonde https://www.instagram.com/bondejohnson/
Johnny https://www.instagram.com/thomp338/
Kirk (filmer) https://www.instagram.com/captnn_kirk/
Tim https://www.instagram.com/timr_flips/
Cindy https://instagram.com/cindybordeleau?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Eliza https://www.instagram.com/eliza_labelle/
Monts https://www.instagram.com/montsroberts/
Jen https://www.instagram.com/jenniferessie/
Cheer terminology:
Cupie = base catches one arm
Lib = base catches one foot
Toss hands = base throws flyer to chest level
Full up = no flipping, one full spin
Double up = no flipping, two full spins
Rewind = flyer back tucks to stunt
Back handspring up = flyer back handsprings to stunt
Front handspring up = flyer front handsprings to stunt
Hand to hand = flyer does handstand on bases hands
Special thank you to the gym!!
https://www.hybridcheer.com/ (Jacksonville, FL)
https://artlist.io/ (freeze by jaylikethealphabet, pull-me-closer by wearethegood, grassroots by ollie-joseph)
Outro song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmN28ek8_rY (The Dark – WEARETHEGOOD)
me bitch
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