New Evidence for Scott Peterson? Could He Be Innocent? | LA Innocence Project

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Scott Peterson was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, in November of 2004, after a six month jury trial. To this day, Scott’s innocence is the subject of many heated discussions and debates. Since his conviction, Scott’s legal team has filed appeals to overturn the decision. But more recently, the Los Angeles Innocence Project, has decided to represent Scott and has filed motions that ask for the case to be re-examined. In this episode, we’re going to go over both sides of why people believe he’s innocent, and why others strongly believe he is guilty.

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People vs. Scott Peterson
ABC 20/20 One Last Chance: The Trial of Scott Peterson
Behind Criminal Minds:
Los Angeles Magazine
NBC Bay Area
Karen Servas – The Real Story by Jane Hamilton
The Case Against Scott Peterson by Josh Richman, San Mateo County Times
Revisiting the Scott Peterson case 20 years later, Court TV
KUTV 2 FOX San Francisco
Rolling Stone
News Nation
USA Today

Audio Credits:
CBS 13 Archives
Diane Sawyer Interview ABC
ABC 20/20
People’s Exhibits
*Sources used to collect this information include various public news sites, interviews, court documents, FB groups dedicated to the case, and various news channel segments. When quoting statements made by others, they are strictly alleged until confirmed otherwise. Please remember my videos are my independent opinion and to always do your own research.

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New Evidence for Scott Peterson? Could He Be Innocent? | LA Innocence Project

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