Dr. Gundry’s Mind: Why I Teach What I Teach | Dr Steven Gundry

01/05/2024 82 ViewsRemove Ads for $4.99

Ever wondered about the stories behind the science-packed content I share weekly? In this episode, I’m peeling back the layers to give you an insider’s look! Amid the sea of positive comments from my incredible viewers, I acknowledge there are skeptics out there. So, let’s clear the air and set things straight.

In this video, I’m guiding you through my personal journey, unveiling the intricate details of my background in health and nutrition. From my days as a heart surgeon to my contributions in published medical journals and my passion for nutrition – it’s all laid out for you!

And here’s the kicker – every piece of wisdom I share is deeply grounded in science. So, if skepticism has ever crossed your mind, consider this your golden ticket to comprehending everything about me and my unwavering commitment to truth.

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