High Paying Technologies You Should Learn In 2024

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As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest skills to stay competitive in the workforce. In this video, Harkirat Singh covers a range of high-paying technologies he is learning in 2024

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to make a career change, this video will provide you with valuable insights into the most in-demand and lucrative technologies in 2024.



00:00 Introduction (MERN Tech Stacks)
00:52 Step 1 – Learn JS
01:19 Step 2 – Learn about Backend
01:52 Step 3 – Learn about Frontend Development
02:49 Step 4 – Learning Typescript
03:16 Advance Topics (AWS/OPEN API/gRPC/tRPC/Dockerisation/ORM’s,graphQL)
04:40 Step 5 – Vercel Stack
05:37 Reality Check!
08:14 DevOPS – 1st Tech Stack
10:02 DevOPS – 2nd Tech Stack
13:00 DevOPS – 3rd Tech Stack
15:40 DevOPS – 4th Tech Stack
17:42 Writing Low Latency Code
18:14 Example 1 (Zerodha)
20:36 Conclusions
22:29 What you want to learn?
22:40 Bye Bye!

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